I watched it, very interesting what she has to say, info mostly gleaned from medical journals and main stream media, and not the alternative press, revealing stuff about Baxter Pharmaceuticals.
this is big, i think!
BELL TOLLING for the Swine Flu (CAMPANAS por la gripe A) subtitled from ALISH on Vimeo.
or youtube, here one of six segements
for those who don't have time to watch it for an hour, the full transcript i found on dr ron paul's website, he also was one of the republican party presidential candidates in the US, he is a medical doctor, and outspoken critic of the wall street bail out, the US wars in the world and a proponent of real free markets and financial accountability, and a many other good points which seem not normally associated with that party......for instance he considers the flu panic, a mere money making endeavor by vested interests, as in 1976, when more people died from the side effects of the flu vaccine than from the actual flu.....
Teresa Forcadas' words in "quotes" from transcript accompanied by the link where the info she quotes can be located on the web
"In the document that I’m disseminating I also quote an article from an American journal, where they explain that after visiting the WHO website they commented “Listen, here it says that high mortality is a pre-requisite for a pandemic and here nobody dies...” They told them, wait a minute... and they changed the definition on the web... this article has been quoted and it’s from CNN which is not a source under suspicion in this sense. Therefore the WHO irregularity seems even more serious to me, because it’s equally objective, clear and easy to verity, and it brings us closer to the possible real consequences so it’s not just about elaborating on possible intentions or who did what."
"In the US, the Secretary of Health, Sibelius, signed a document that gives immunity, political immunity, it won’t be possible to ask for responsibilities nor compensation, nor from the involved politicians nor from the pharmaceutical companies."
here the bill, section 13, Teresa mentions:
"Talking about fines. It seems that in Massachusetts, a document has already been made public in preparation for a possible mandatory vaccination, if this was the case the fine would be 1,000 Dollars per day... or it could reach up to 1,000 Dollars a day."
where it states the following:
Any person who knowingly violates an order, as to which non-compliance poses a serious danger to public health as determined by the commissioner or the local public health authority, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 30 days or a fine of not more than one thousand dollars per day that the violation continues, or both. It shall not be a defense to a prosecution for this offense that the commissioner or the local public health authority erroneously determined that non-compliance would pose a serious danger to public health, if the commissioner or local public health authority was acting in good faith under color of official authority.
"the mortality rate of every year’s flu, the good years in Europe, the flu is not the same every year, some years it’s severe, or more severe, and some others it’s more benign. So, the official data of the diseases centre, or the regulator centre, the centre that collects this information at European level, that would be the CDC in the US, then the European is called E, from Europe, ECDC. (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control http://ecdc.europa.eu)
This centre’s numbers are: the good years of flu 40,000 people die from complications associated or derived directly to the flu. 40,000 in a flu season. This is the good years. The bad years, the numbers that handles this ECDC, this official agency, is 220,000 deaths. It’s important to know it because when one says: “120 people have died!” Well, let’s wait, we cannot just count them one by one... If every year, as a normal fact in the best of years, 40,000 people die, and in bad years 220,000, if we count one by one, we spread a unjustified panic."
Articles on Baxter's contaminated vaccine
English Gist Of Teresa Forcades Presentation On H1 N1
http://www.google.com/search?now more info on the flu shots in general
read or ignore "usingh" your best judgement as with all info that reaches the appreciative shores of your consciousness
nice post thanks for sharing a wonderful post with us...........
SvaraRaderaHealth specialist in Punjab