lördag 28 november 2009

No Autism in Unvaccinated Amish Community

No Autism in Unvaccinated Amish Community


The Dangers of Thimerosal

Dan Olmstead, Autism's Dick Tracy


According to officials in the nation's regulatory agencies, the main obstacle to proving or disproving a link between the autism epidemic and the mercury-based preservative, thimerosal, that was contained in childhood vaccines until a few years ago, and is still in flu vaccines, has been the inability to find a large enough group of people who have never been vaccinated to compare with people who have.

In fact, a few months ago, CDC officials claimed that such a study would be nearly impossible. On July 19, 2005, the CDC held a Media Briefing on the topic of vaccines and child health. On the issue of government research on autism, a reporter asked CDC Director, Dr Julie Gerberding: "are you putting any money into clinical studies rather than epidemiological studies, to verify or disprove the parents' claim about a particular channel, a particular mechanism by which a minority of genetically suspectable kids are supposed damaged?"

Gerberding replied: To do the study that you're suggesting, looking for an association between thimerosal and autism in a prospective sense is just about impossible to do right now because we don't have those vaccines in use in this country so we're not in a position where we can compare the children who have received them directly to the children who don't.

Dr Duane Alexander, of the National Institute of Health, agreed and said: It's really not possible ... in this country to do a prospective study now of thimerosal and vaccines in relationship to autism. Only a retrospective study which would be very difficult to do under the circumstances could be mounted with regard to the thimerosal question.

However, Dan Olmsted, investigative reporter for United Press International, and author of the Age of Autism series of reports, appears to have solved this problem when he came up with the idea of checking out the nation's Amish population where parents do not ordinarily vaccinate children.

First he looked to the Amish community in Pennsylvania and found a family doctor in Lancaster who had treated thousands of Amish patients over a quarter-century who said he has never seen an Amish person with autism, according to Age of Autism: A glimpse of the Amish on June 2, 2005.

Olmsted also interviewed Dick Warner, who has a water purification and natural health business and has been in Amish households all over the country. "I've been working with Amish people since 1980," Warner said.

"I have never seen an autistic Amish child -- not one," he told Olmsted. "I would know it. I have a strong medical background. I know what autistic people are like. I have friends who have autistic children," he added.

Olmsted did find one Amish woman in Lancaster County with an autistic child but as it turns out, the child was adopted from China and had been vaccinated. The woman knew of two other autistic children but here again, one of those had been vaccinated.

Next Olmsted visited a medical practice in Middleburg, Indiana, the heart of the Amish community, and asked whether the clinic treated Amish people with autism.

A staff member told Olmsted that she had never thought about it before, but in the five years that she had worked at the clinic she had never seen one autistic Amish.

On June 8, 2005, Olmsted reported on the autism rate in the Amish community around Middlefield, Ohio, which was 1 in 15,000, according to Dr Heng Wang, the medical director, at the DDC Clinic for Special Needs Children.

"So far," according to Age of Autism, "there is evidence of fewer than 10 Amish with autism; there should be several hundred if the disorder occurs among them at the same 166-1 prevalence as children born in the rest of the population."

In addition to the Amish, Olmsted recently discovered another large unvaccinated group. On December 7, 2005, Age of Autism reported that thousands of children cared for by Homefirst Health Services in metropolitan Chicago have at least two things in common with Amish children, they have never been vaccinated and they don't have autism.

Homefirst has five offices in the Chicago area and a total of six doctors. "We have about 30,000 or 35,000 children that we've taken care of over the years, and I don't think we have a single case of autism in children delivered by us who never received vaccines," said Dr Mayer Eisenstein, Homefirst's medical director who founded the practice in 1973.

Olmsted reports that the autism rate in Illinois public schools is 38 per 10,000, according to state Education Department data. In treating a population of 30,000 to 35,000 children, this would logically mean that Homefirst should have seen at least 120 autistic children over the years but the clinic has seen none.

It looks like the problem is finally solved. Thanks to autism's Dick Tracy, the government now has thousands of unvaccinated people to compare to people who were vaccinated.

Evelyn Pringle is a columnist for Independent Media TV and an investigative journalist focused on exposing corruption in government. She can be reached at: epringle05@yahoo.com


Vaccinating is a multi billion dollar business

This is what fruitarian friend Mango posted:


Vaccinating is a multi billion dollar business.

based on the sick theory that injecting crap, if you'll pardon my greek, into ones blood stream is good for you, and will help prevent you from getting sick..

Well.. I've got news! It 'aint gunna do much else than pollute you and make you sicker than you already are..

I really think everyone should see this video:

It makes me very sad, knowing that the vast majority of people out there are so trusting of the medical industry, and have apparent complete faith that the industry fully has our best interests at heart.. And yet they are often little more than legalised drug dealers..

See also, the following website for more information:

- Just click on the image..

Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics

Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics

the following information was found at following blog, which is full of quality data regarding vaccination mythology.....

"This is the data the drug industry do not want you to see. Here 2 centuries of UK, USA and Australian official death statistics show conclusively and scientifically modern medicine is not responsible for and played little part in substantially improved life expectancy and survival from disease in western economies. This is also borne out in published peer reviewed research: The questionable contribution of medical measures to the decline of mortality in the United States in the twentieth century“. McKinlay JB, McKinlay SM, Milbank Mem Fund Q Health Soc. 1977 Summer;55(3):405-28.

The Measles mortality graphs are enlightening [more below] and contradict the claims of Government health officials that vaccines have saved millions of lives. It is an unscientific claim which the data show is untrue. Here you will also learn why vaccinations like mumps and rubella for children are medically unethical and can expose medical professionals to liability for criminal proceedings and civil damages for administering them.Measles Mortality England & Wales 1901 to 1999


[Click Graph to Enlarge - Opens In New Window]

The success of the City of Leicester, England was remarkable in reducing smallpox mortality substantially compared to the rest of England and other countries by abandoning vaccination between 1882 and 1908 [see more below].

This contrasts how the drug industry has turned each child in the world into a human pin-cushion profit centre.

The financial markets have known for 20 years and more the pharmaceutical industry’s blockbuster patented drugs business model would eventualy fail We now see the Bill Gates’ type business model emerging – almost everyone has Windows software on their PC – almost everyone will be vax’ed. Gates quickly became a multi-billionaire. With vastly more people to vaccinate than computers requiring software the lure of money is many times greater. All this whilst we watch as childhood prevalence of asthma, allergies, autism, diabetes and more have increased exponentially as the vaccines have been introduced."

for more info, go to:


Japanese Data Show Vaccines Cause Autism

Japanese Data Show Vaccines Cause Autism


more on this topic here:

superstar CBS reporter blows the lid off the swine flu media hype and hysteria


watch the videos here:

The following is what a friend from Lasqueti dug up and posted regarding the
CBS's reporters Sharyl Attkisson
's findings, it just sums it up once more:

[This is from Casey's Daily Dispatch, www.caseyresearch.com/displayCdd.php]

Is There Really a Swine Flu Pandemic?
By Shannara Johnson
The swine flu has swept across the United States like a hurricane – hundreds if not thousands of cases have been reported from nearly every county in the nation… and the death toll has been rising.
But are all those flu-like symptoms people come down with really swine flu?
In a recent interview with natural health advocate Dr. Joseph Mercola, CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson shared some amazing findings.
“A couple months ago, I got tips from three or four different segments of public health care, with folks telling me that CDC [the Center for Disease Control] has recommended they go ahead and stop testing for and stop counting swine flu cases… and each different entity that contacted me was concerned, thinking that this was something that should not be happening.”
Attkisson started investigating to find out why that decision was made and what the ramifications would be.
“One of my good sources within the government said to me, ‘They’re either trying to overrepresent the swine flu or underrepresent it by not counting it anymore. You need to find out which it is.’”
Examining data state by state, here’s what Attkisson discovered:
Of the presumed swine flu cases that had been tested – before the CDC stopped the testing altogether – only a small fraction had actually been swine flu.

Even more astounding, the vast majority of likely swine flu cases, as recognized by trained physicians, weren’t flu at all.
According to Attkisson, “They weren’t swine flu, they weren’t regular flu, they were some other sort of upper respiratory infection. . .
“In Florida, they had taken 8,800 specimens – those are presumed likely swine flu cases. 83% of them were negative for flu at all. 17% were regular flu or swine flu.
“So, in other words, of all those presumed swine flu cases, 83% of them weren’t flu.”

She found similar results in California, where health officials tested about 13,700 presumed swine flu cases – of these, a mere 14% were any kind of flu, including 2% swine flu. In Alaska, the number of real swine flu cases was a meager 1%.
Now consider that on October 24, President Obama declared a national emergency due to the swine flu pandemic, and the state of Massachusetts is implementing draconian fines and even jail time for those refusing to get vaccinated. If you had flu symptoms today and went to a doctor, you would be told – according to the CDC’s guidelines – that you had swine flu. And the national media are falling all over themselves reporting on Americans frantically trying to get a hold of the vaccine, which still seems to be in short supply.
In other words: Pandemic panic at its best (or worst), and much ado about nothing.

onsdag 25 november 2009

from internist, public health specialist and nun Teresa Forcades, Spain

Here is a link to a video presentation (in Spanish but with English subtitles) from an internist and public health specialist who is also a nun. Who could be more believable? It's about an hour long.

I watched it, very interesting what she has to say, info mostly gleaned from medical journals and main stream media, and not the alternative press, revealing stuff about Baxter Pharmaceuticals.
this is big, i think!

BELL TOLLING for the Swine Flu (CAMPANAS por la gripe A) subtitled from ALISH on Vimeo.

or youtube, here one of six segements

for those who don't have time to watch it for an hour, the full transcript i found on dr ron paul's website, he also was one of the republican party presidential candidates in the US, he is a medical doctor, and outspoken critic of the wall street bail out, the US wars in the world and a proponent of real free markets and financial accountability, and a many other good points which seem not normally associated with that party......for instance he considers the flu panic, a mere money making endeavor by vested interests, as in 1976, when more people died from the side effects of the flu vaccine than from the actual flu.....

Teresa Forcadas' words in "quotes" from transcript accompanied by the link where the info she quotes can be located on the web

"In the document that I’m disseminating I also quote an article from an American journal, where they explain that after visiting the WHO website they commented “Listen, here it says that high mortality is a pre-requisite for a pandemic and here nobody dies...” They told them, wait a minute... and they changed the definition on the web... this article has been quoted and it’s from CNN which is not a source under suspicion in this sense. Therefore the WHO irregularity seems even more serious to me, because it’s equally objective, clear and easy to verity, and it brings us closer to the possible real consequences so it’s not just about elaborating on possible intentions or who did what."


"In the US, the Secretary of Health, Sibelius, signed a document that gives immunity, political immunity, it won’t be possible to ask for responsibilities nor compensation, nor from the involved politicians nor from the pharmaceutical companies."


here the bill, section 13, Teresa mentions:

"Talking about fines. It seems that in Massachusetts, a document has already been made public in preparation for a possible mandatory vaccination, if this was the case the fine would be 1,000 Dollars per day... or it could reach up to 1,000 Dollars a day."

where it states the following:

Any person who knowingly violates an order, as to which non-compliance poses a serious danger to public health as determined by the commissioner or the local public health authority, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 30 days or a fine of not more than one thousand dollars per day that the violation continues, or both. It shall not be a defense to a prosecution for this offense that the commissioner or the local public health authority erroneously determined that non-compliance would pose a serious danger to public health, if the commissioner or local public health authority was acting in good faith under color of official authority.


"the mortality rate of every year’s flu, the good years in Europe, the flu is not the same every year, some years it’s severe, or more severe, and some others it’s more benign. So, the official data of the diseases centre, or the regulator centre, the centre that collects this information at European level, that would be the CDC in the US, then the European is called E, from Europe, ECDC. (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control http://ecdc.europa.eu)
This centre’s numbers are: the good years of flu 40,000 people die from complications associated or derived directly to the flu. 40,000 in a flu season. This is the good years. The bad years, the numbers that handles this ECDC, this official agency, is 220,000 deaths. It’s important to know it because when one says: “120 people have died!” Well, let’s wait, we cannot just count them one by one... If every year, as a normal fact in the best of years, 40,000 people die, and in bad years 220,000, if we count one by one, we spread a unjustified panic."

Articles on Baxter's contaminated vaccine





English Gist Of Teresa Forcades Presentation On H1 N1


now more info on the flu shots in general

read or ignore "usingh" your best judgement as with all info that reaches the appreciative shores of your consciousness

Jane Bürgermeister is the Journalist that Dr Teresa Forcades mentions in my previous entries video presentation, who uncovered the scandal from february 2009 regarding pharmaceutical giant Baxter's vaccine, which would have caused a real, deadly, pandemic, if a czech lab technician hadn't intuitively run another test on the shipment of vaccine material they had received in 16 labs across europe to mix and send out.

The first one is in german

another one from polish TV with english subs interviewing Bürgermeister and Czech government officials, aswell as some austrian researchers

and another german interview from secret TV with Jane Bürgermeister

more videos

about Jane Bürgermeister


more "impfos" on her website featured in eleven languages


zB.: (abgekürzt, vollständiger artikel im Link)

Deutsche Armee erteilt dem Gesundheitsministerium „eine Ohrfeige“ - „einzig richtige Entscheidung“ urteilt dagegen ein deutscher Virologe

Deutsche Armee-Gesundheitsbeamte haben eine erbitterte Debatte über die Gefahren des „Schweine-Grippe“-Impfstoffs ausgelöst. Am Montag kündigten sie an, dass die deutschen Soldaten einen völlig anderen Schweine-Grippe-Impfstoff erhalten werden als jenen, den das deutsche Gesundheitsministerium für die Armee geordert hatte.

Der Virologe Alexander Kekule, Chef der Abteilung für Mikrobiologie an der Universität Halle, sagte, dass „die Armee dem Gesundheitsministerium eine Ohrfeige erteilt habe“, doch damit „die einzig richtige Entscheidung getroffen habe“, indem es entschied, ihren 250'000 aktiv im Dienst stehenden Soldaten eine Impfung ohne Quecksilber, ohne Squalen und mit einem inaktivierten Virus zu verabreichen. „Die Ärzte und Berater der Armee waren einfach schlauer“, sagte er der deutschen Zeitung „Die Welt“.
Diese Ankündigung der Armee hat den Druck auf das deutsche Gesundheitsministerium verstärkt, erklären zu müssen, warum das übrige deutsche Volk dafür vorgesehen ist, die ungetesteten und unerprobten „Schweinegrippe“-Impfungen mit Quecksilber, Adjuvantien und Lebendvirus in einer Impfkampagne gespritzt zu bekommen, die am 26. Oktober 09 beginnen wird.
Die deutsche Gesundheitsministerin Ulla Schmidt versuchte, die Bedeutsamkeit dieser Entscheidung durch die Armee herunterzuspielen, indem sie darauf beharrte, dass drei verschiedene Schweinegrippe-Impfungen auf dem Markt waren und dass die Armee zufälligerweise jene gewählt habe, die kein Quecksilber und keine Adjuvantien enthielte.

Zutreffend ist hingegen, dass drei verschiedene Hersteller – Novartis, Glaxo-Smith-Kline (GSK) und Baxter – dieselbe Standard-Schweinegrippe-
Impfung mit Quecksilber und Adjuvantien auf dem Markt anboten, bis die Armee sowie andere deutsche Gesundheitsbehörden und Ärzte darauf bestanden, eine Impfung ohne die gefährlichen Konservierungs- und Zusatzstoffe zu bek.................................

Bürgermeister has sued Vaccine maker Baxter and WHO (World Health Organisation)
